The next day was very cloudy, but the forecast was for "improving" weather, and following on from our previous visits to the Alps we decided to go up to the hut so we would be in position for the weather to change.
We cheated slightly and took the chair lift up to the Oeschinesee ... well it actually goes to the col on the end of the valley, and there is a short descent to the hotel and lake..
The route goes around the lake (either high or low) we took the high line and ended up in the alpages with a number of boulders scattered around, looking back over the lake - rather grey at this point.
From here the route rises up a long line of ancient moraine before coming out on the high meadows leading to the ridge the hut stands on
From here it was a short ascent up the ridge to the hut. the toilet block was around 100m, (15m height difference) below the hut. but more about this in a couple of days.
We cheated slightly and took the chair lift up to the Oeschinesee ... well it actually goes to the col on the end of the valley, and there is a short descent to the hotel and lake..
The route goes around the lake (either high or low) we took the high line and ended up in the alpages with a number of boulders scattered around, looking back over the lake - rather grey at this point.
From here the route rises up a long line of ancient moraine before coming out on the high meadows leading to the ridge the hut stands on