During the night, First Ken then Graham had to get up and make the long trip down to the toilet block. They did describe it as a real effort and after the second or third time of making the trip, the thought had crossed their minds to just stay there sat on the loo. I was relatively unscathed, although I was uncomfortable in the early evening, I was not on "full flow", and was coping
When I got up at the morning call and could not find them in the hut, it dawned on me that something was not right... something we had eaten, or drank had not agreed with us - the hut warden who dosed us with some herbal tea remedy, blamed it on the glacial water, but I do not remember us having melted any snow....
Around lunchtime and people were coming back in from their day on the hill, we (or rather Ken and Graham) were stable enough to make a start down the hill.... being in a hut and not well (especially with a long walk to the "facilities") is not a pleasant experience.
The walk down was not too bad and we were soon back at the campsite... debating what to do next .. meanwhile the Bluesalphorn stood there mocking us"
When I got up at the morning call and could not find them in the hut, it dawned on me that something was not right... something we had eaten, or drank had not agreed with us - the hut warden who dosed us with some herbal tea remedy, blamed it on the glacial water, but I do not remember us having melted any snow....
Around lunchtime and people were coming back in from their day on the hill, we (or rather Ken and Graham) were stable enough to make a start down the hill.... being in a hut and not well (especially with a long walk to the "facilities") is not a pleasant experience.
The walk down was not too bad and we were soon back at the campsite... debating what to do next .. meanwhile the Bluesalphorn stood there mocking us"