Back down to the Jungfraujoch, across the top of the aletsch glacier, and we could begin the climb. It was disheartening to have to loose all this height before ascending again, and by the time we had struggled up the steep side to the ridge. This was Dave's time to struggle a bit, and we had a long rest before continuing up to the bergschrund and the col. From here it was just a steep icy slope to the summit.

Heads down in our own world and we were soon at the summit for lunch, ad that great feeling of doing something special.
Going down was a blur, apart from the pull up to the train station, which never seems to get any easier no matter how many times I do it.
Back in the valley, the afternoon shower was in progress. The only difference this time was that it did not clear up over night – time to re-evaluate next steps.