The approach went up the tracks cutting through all the zigzags of the road, and then along the hanging valley floor, eventually catching up with the road head at Staffelti. There were a number of cars parked up here and ours would have been safe enough. From here there was a jeep track straight(ish) to the hut. By now the sun was high in the sky and the temperature was climbing… we were walking in shorts and tee-shirts and had all the mountain gear loaded on our backs like juggernauts … even so it was beginning to take its toll on me. I later (years later) realised that this was probably de-hydration, however at this time I was just getting slower and needed more time.

Later on we recce'd the route for the next day, and settled into our pasta and bits – the wardens in these days would cook you food for you if it was simple enough, but you did have to go at their times.