The day was just like the previous one, down in the valley, but being the last day some of us hardy souls opted to go up anyway. We were pleasantly surprised after getting to the mid station to be above the clouds and in bright sunshine (this was before the days of web cams showing the conditions at every level). Sue had stayed with KT in the valley to save a lift pass and got very cold and bored waiting for us.. this was also the age before mobile phones where I could have phoned down and got her to come up.
I cant remember what we did in terms of routes etc. that day, but there was not many people and we frequently had the place to ourselves.Those who stayed in the valley were envious, but soon cheered up over dinner in the bumble bee restaurant. This was (I believe) the time where Alan had a slight accident with the Chilli oil and a pizza, much to everyone's amusement. Then we set off home, almost in the dark.