The next morning before dawn we set off up the border ridge to the col by the top lift station. As we walked under clear and excedingly starry skies, we were accompanied by some of the most fantastic meteor storm I have ever seen .. some indication of a fantastic day.

As we came up to the col we could start to see the two peaks appearing around the shoulder of the Breithorn. A long walk then transpired until we reached the col between the two.
From here you could see the steep slope up the West face of Castor. the route took a very obvious line of zigzags, eventually leading to the ridge on the left hand side.

The sun just started to come up over the skyline as we hit the ridge and we had a really pleasant walk over the knife edge ridge to the summit.

The scene was fantastic, and we took a load of pictures .. the one with Dave has the Matterhorn behind, and the one of me looks deep into Italy, and towards the Quintino Sella hut where I had stayed a few years before.

From here we went back down the route of the ascent, and back to the col between the two summits. we had to go around to the west face of Pollux.
As we came to the bottom of the slope there was an obvious straight up track about grade I snow and Ice.

Not complex, but a little sapping as we had already completed one peak for the day, and my calves were screaming on the way up.
Once we had completed the slope there was a very simple ridge to follow to the summit block.

Yet again the views were fantastic, and we did stay there for quite a while to extend the feeling.
We descended down the same route as the ascent to the base of this peak.

From here there was a long walk back. to the Kliener Matterhorn the sun was very hot and we were exceedingly tired but luckily the path was well marked and a simple even slope.
Bryon and Steve had charged ahead to try and include the Breithorn into the itinerary as well.

At the cable station we dived into the tunnel - Dave and I collapsed on the benches in the shade and waited from the other two. Then we took the easy way down. The camp site was a welcome sight in the end