The next day, after a long lie in to get over the exertions of the day before, we were finally driven from the tents by the heat of the sun baking down.

By mid day Bryon and I were getting restless .. and somehow we were drawn to an advert in the camp-site office for a via ferrata at the end of the valley
This route did nt have a grading or timing, just stated "Via Ferrata". SO we set off to have a look.

Leaving the car in a lay-by off the main raid we walked down into the gorge, along a dusty track. then where the rock began was a shiny new metal rope.

The course began with a short traverse, which was probably designed as a warm up/ sanity check, and then moved into a section where we went back and forth across the gorge on suspended wood and wire bridges, with little excursions on each side

climbing up all kinds of metal work we got higher in the gorge before traversing along some slabs
This section of the via ferrate finished here, but there was no sign and we only realised later that the next section was much harder ... we could have stopped here and walked out

We carried on... after crossing to the other side of the gorge things went up almost vertically.

It was very strenuous, but there was lots of support and the rope was tied in frequently so there was little objective danger, just so long as we always kept one sling attached at all times (as you are supposed to do).

After a while we thought we were getting to the top .. but in reality the slope angled by 10 degrees ... still steep, and the same to go again
Then there was a final sting in the tail ... a rock block.
Where as yesterday it had all been on the feet, today it was an arm exercise, with support from the feet.
We were really pleased with the day, and went back to the tents happy.