Our last night in the bunk house, so we had to find somewhere else to stay.... it was an overcast day with rain in the air... so we decided to head over the col de Lauteret to Briancon, checking for Gites.
As we drove through the towns that make up the Serre Chevalier conglomeration... most of the lifts were closed and the resorts running down, although we were just before Easter, they were not expecting a large influx.
We passed some places in le Monetier les Bains, that we would come back to if needed, and went on to Briancon, just outside the town was a small sign on the side of the road. Following this lead us to a farm house and some sheds ... asking for the gite they lead us to the sheds - in later years the chambre d'hote and half board would be tempting, but this year we were looking for self catering and the sheds were just the ticket.
The sheds were two mattresses in the eves, accessed by a ladder, and down stairs a divan/ bed, table, cooking corner , and bathroom. Bryon and Derek went up the ladder, with Chris and I sharing the divan.
I don't have any photos of the place, however over the years the buildings have been replaced, but essentially the same thing is still there ... http://www.lechampdeblanc.com
This proved to be a good base for the long weekend.