last year, I had visited the Aiguillette Du Lauzet, to attempt the via ferrata, however it had opened up the possibility of a tour - the map shows a viable route.
the skies were blue and the sun was shining, as we got ready at the car park.... there was plenty of trials leading to and from this car-park, which is just a lay-by on the side of the road.
The route goes up the GR50, until it branches of around the back of the auguillette, so is a large track that a vehicle could drive up.
At the summer village of l'Alpe du Lauzet, the GR50 moves around the South side, whilst we continued on around the back.
From here we kept above the ravine and picked our way through the boulder fields, on the gentle slopes. Eventually we turned around the back and could see around the corner to the high point at the col de l'Aiguillette.
The final slopes were steeper, and well covered with tracks, and there was a obvious track zig-zaging up to the col.
Getting to the col, the first of the year, was a relief, and I was certainly feeling the exercise... a life sitting behind a desk all day is not the best preparation for the hills.
The views were spectacular especially down to the south with the Meige, and Barre prominent.
Looking down the south side we could see that the slopes were bare of snow in some critical places, so we had not real option, but to go back the way we had come, or do some serious packing.
the descent was without problems, and soon we were schussing down the track.
Back at the car the call of the bar on the other side was too much and we were soon sat in the sun drinking coffee.

At the summer village of l'Alpe du Lauzet, the GR50 moves around the South side, whilst we continued on around the back.

the descent was without problems, and soon we were schussing down the track.