Back up to the valley from the first day ... This time we would be heading up to the ridge on the West side of the valley. I had obtained a guide book in French for the area - I would later learn that these are the eponymous "white" Guides. A lot of the routes are way beyond our capabilities (and fitness), but reading the book gives some inspiration.
Today we would follow the track up the valley before striking out to the ridges, following it back to the ski area.
Leaving the car we headed out along the track, which in summer presumably links all the villages and crofts up the valley.
The track gradually rose, and before long we were along in the white wilderness.
Behind us the clouds were gathering, but in front there was still breaks in the cloud as we looked to the end of the valley.
We reached where we believe was the point to turn left and head up to the ridge. Initially we followed a set of tracks, that soon headed to the peak at the end of the valley
We had to make our own tracks, as it seems most people use the valley road to get to get from the end. This was hard work as the surface was quite soft with new(ish) snow.
As we got closer to the top we met the clouds coming the other way and we just kept heading upwards in the firm belief that when it stopped rising we would be at the top.
Skins off and ready to go down ... A quick compass bearing to make sure we would not be embarrassed later. We we started off, tentatively and slowly peering into the cloud for any hint of change in gradient.
As we came out of the cloud things got easier as we could see where we had to end up - a cross on the col. This was the indicator of the place to turn down into the valley.
Unfortunately there is a sting in the tail.... The car park is 50m above the stream.. absorbing any energy left.
Looking back to the Gros Tet ... the cloud had disappeared.. at least we could see where we had been.
Today we would follow the track up the valley before striking out to the ridges, following it back to the ski area.

Looking back to the Gros Tet ... the cloud had disappeared.. at least we could see where we had been.