The weather was due to change today, but it would not be until the afternoon.
Yesterday we had seen some valleys off the main Val d'Isere road, and close to Bourg St Maurice.
The first of these was heading due north from a bend in the road, just after a place called Plan Du Pre. We turned up a mountain road, until we could go no further and parked with some other vehicles on the side of the road.
Skis on our backs we walked up the road until we could find a track just above the road , from here the snow had drifted and we could make good progress.
After we got out of the woods we followed the road as it worked it way up the valley.
When the road crossed over to the other side and worked its way up there we stayed on the path on the left bank.
We followed this new path as it went deep up the valley, until the valley opened out.
At this point we worked our way up to the left and headed for some building we saw up on the skyline.
As it was a good day and this was a nice place to stop, but we had half an hour before the turn around time ... time for a bit of a play, and practice some avalanche rescue techniques.
After all the messing around and a bite to eat, we prepared for the descent and more fun.
The slopes were good spring snow after the good weather we had been having and we soon dropped back down through the valley
The road section was flat, but the track solid enough so that we did not have to do too much poleing.
Down at the bottom we could straight across the slopes higher up and miss the road but we did have to avoid the avalanche debris.
A good day, and a new area explored a little bit more, even though we did not make a summit.
Yesterday we had seen some valleys off the main Val d'Isere road, and close to Bourg St Maurice.
When the road crossed over to the other side and worked its way up there we stayed on the path on the left bank.
A good day, and a new area explored a little bit more, even though we did not make a summit.