Another good day in prospect. We chose to go to explore the north of Briancon. One area in particular was around Col De Granon.. from here there would be easy access to the ridge and the tops along it.
Where we would go would depend on how far up the road we could get.
As it turned out we could get up to the airstrip, but the pastures on each side were very patchy, so we dropped back down to the picnic site, which also had a good area to park.
We could also get on the path through the woods, and hopefully find a route that was still covered in snow.
We came out of the woods just below the col, and followed the road to it. From the col we cut left up the ridge as it gently rose towards the ridge we were heading for.
As we got closer to the ridge we needed to identify our target .. and chose the top marked as La Gardiole.. this took us to the right on the ridge in a gentle rise.
From the top we had a good look back where we had come from and see the complete route, as well as down to Briancon.
After we had eaten and taken the skins off we started down. The top section was good spring snow and we had good skiing.
Then back down the ridge it was more schussing, and excellent snow.
Then into the woods, and the final section back to the car. This was a little scary as we were not totally in control and had to make some tight turns ... Back to the van and to the gite.
Where we would go would depend on how far up the road we could get.