The skies were clear, but there was the threat of clouds coming up from the south.
We planned to head towards the col de Galibier, but looking at the map we soon changed the target to the little bump named Petit Galibier.
We parked in the now familiar place at the bottom of the step where the road turned south, up to the col in a number of zigzags.

First we crossed over the river in the bottom of the valley, and started straight up the slope ahead.

This slope was the direct way up, whilst the road disappeared to the right in a number of bends.

This first section was a big wake up call as we sweated up the slope.

Looking back it was easy to see how this took so much energy, but also gave us a differenet view of our first two days.

We came over the top of the first rise and the slope eased up a little and we turned to the ridge, seeking out the top we were heading for.
The clouds were gathering around the tops on the ridge, but where we were was still in the sun.
The view back down the valley was quite inviting.
From here we moved up to the top on the ridge. Up here the cloud was down and the visibility was poor, combined with a vicious wind.

We did not stay long, but quickly prepared for the descent, and dropped off the top following our ascent tracks as a guide.
Before long we dropped under the clouds, and soon had the visibility back, and the occasional sun patches.

Back down at the flat bit in the middle we paused by a large rock for a bite to eat and a quick breather.

The bottom slopes were absolutely brilliant .. we had got the timing spot on.

The snow was perfect - soft on top with a hard under layer, allowing some great fun and letting us practice our short turns.

Back at the van we gazed back up where we had been, and also up to the previous days routes.
Now back to the apartment before the bad weather hits.