The day was bright, and we chose to go up to the top of the Les Houches area. Catching the gondola, and then dropping down to the next chair lift and so to the top.
From here we dropped down the red overlooking St. Gervais.

Spurred on by this success we then moved down to the second of these reds. Moving over the curve at the top of the run, it changed into a large un-pisted mogul field. For most of us this was no problem, however Sue B, had a big difficulty, and we had to talk her down very slowly.
She successfully got to the bottom, managing to over come her fears, but it was a step too far for her. ... Lunch calls.
After lunch we dropped over the top to the train station, before easing down the main piste back to the bottom and the apartment.
Some challenges, but generally a good day.
Spurred on by this success we then moved down to the second of these reds. Moving over the curve at the top of the run, it changed into a large un-pisted mogul field. For most of us this was no problem, however Sue B, had a big difficulty, and we had to talk her down very slowly.