The clouds were still down this morning and we were to expect no improvement during the day. Overnight there had been a lot of snow fallen, and we thought that a day on the side of the slopes would make good use of the day.
We knew that it would be best to try somewhere away form Val Cenis, which would be crowded, and this gave an opportunity to explore Bonneval at the end of the valley.
This was exactly the kind of ski resort I like ... small, village run ski lift, and area. We bought a day ticket and headed up to the top of the first lift, and then the second tranche.
From here we explored the runs back down to the last section, this gave us a good feel for the snow and also the the strong wind and where the snow was drifting.
Then the clouds suddenly began to disperse, and the sun came out. At the same time they opened the top lift. By some happy coincident we were in the right place at the right time, and were soon sweeping down the fresh powder under the lift.
Back up again and down the same direction again slightly further over, but even more fun.
So much fun in fact that we had to go back up again for a third time and pick out a new route.
The next day we would look back across to this area in bright sun and see the resort in its full glory.