Day two, and we were again promised 80% sun. Lower down the valley we had seen a ridge, near Termignon that showed promise .. We were not sure how fa up it we would get, as that would depend on where the road was blocked.
We drove down to Termignon and found the start of the road. Several kilometres up we could go no further and had to retreat to a picnic spot, to leave the car.
Walking back up the road and on until the snow was covering most of the road, we put the skis on and continued. Our aim was to get to the houses at Le Suffet and then cut up the meadows.
At the next hairpin we cut directly up through the woods, on a partially used path, which brought us out just below the houses.
From here we walked around the bend and then onto the meadows. From here we climbed up the gentle slopes to the trees where it got steeper.
We followed a number of trails up to the upper meadows. It was a relief to get out of the trees - just a personal phobia.
The early morning cloud for some reason had descended, and things were looking a little grim, and most of the land marks had vanished.
We crossed a large track which could only be the tour de Haute Maurienne path. This gave us a reference point, and as we were working what to do, all of a sudden the skies cleared.
Above us was a clear col on the skyline of the ridge, this would be a good target, and then if we had time we could turn up the ridge.
At the col, the wind was fierce, and we had to shelter on the lee side whilst we prepared to descend.
The upper bowls were good spring snow, which got a little crusty as we got into the start of the trees, causing a little hesitancy as it was the first of the year.
We paused for breath and looked down to the meadows. the section in the woods was delicate and crusty.
Down on the meadows the snow had softened. The skiing got easier, and if the slope had a little steeper angle would have been terrific, as it was it became a game of how fast you could schuss.
From here we kept to the road and made our way back to the van, and a second good day.
From here we kept to the road and made our way back to the van, and a second good day.