Today the clouds were still down and we were restricted something that used the pistes.
On the other side of the valley,near to Janus was another peak . Grand Charvie. This would be our target today.

The start of the route was the same place as we had used for Janus, and we followed a similar course up the piste,
part of the way up the track we cut off up the slopes to the left and made for the ski lift meeting point on the slight ridge.

From here we followed the new valley on the East side of the ridge. This wound around the bumps in the base, before working its way up to the col on the ridge - the same ridge we had been to on the Janus day, just a bit further east.

From the col the route would take us up to a point on the ridge to the East, which hid the true summit.

Very quickly we had to abandon the skis and continue on foot. the top of this hump was a slight scramble.

Over the other side we could now see the true summit. We had to go down a bit first then scrambling up the other side, and eventually to the summit.
The top was very small, and we took turns to go to the cross, from the fore summit we looked down into Italy, as this was on the border.

We returned to our skis and started back down the route of ascent, back down the valley from the col skipping around the bare patches.

Once back on the pistes it was a simple drop back to the town ad so to the apartment.