Today we would go to the peak opposite the apartment (Janus). The route would start with a walk down to the ski pistes, and then up the pistes to the back of the ski area before cutting up to the peak
We left the van at the apartment and carried the skis down the hill and across the road to the end of the pistes.

At the big car park we set off up the piste, which in summer would be a local road. This was all fed by the artificial snow blowers so there was plenty around.

We followed this track as it gently climbed back up the valley away from the road.

As we got to the point where a number of valleys meet, and turn right up along side the ridge of Janus.

Continuing along the bottom of this ridge, we could see how bare the ridge was, and we began to wonder how we would actually get to the top with skis or if we would end up walking..

We eventually reached the col on the end of the ski domain. This is also a point where the ski runs start.

Form here we could see the Route Militaire running along the hidden side of the ridge as well as a number of military buildings

We turned right and followed a track on the South side of the ridge, very little snow, so we were soon walking ..

After a couple of hairpins we emerged out on the top of the ridge .

Climbing past the old fort dating to the first world war, we scrambled up to the summit. The day was perfect with cloudless skies, but did lead to a sweaty ascent.

The descent was a reverse of the ascent. .. down the track, and back to the col, where we picked up the skis. This was followed by a quick run down to the town.