After the clear night, the day was going to be brilliant. We headed just over the border to Claviere. the sun had still not got down into the valley, when we started out, and the piste we started on was still very hard, and icy.
The track we were following was a summer road that lead to the farms.

Over the initial slopes the track lead to a chalet restaurant serving the pistes in season, but now all shut up.
The view behind was of Mont Chaberton, and you could imagine the battery up there threatening the valley in the first war. It would have been an excellent view point.

We followed the ski piste upwards heading to the main top of the ski area, but a number of the sections of the piste were exceedingly bare.

Up at the top there was at least a bit more snow and the pistes were a lot more covered.

After collecting our selves at the Col la Bercia, and trying to avoid the tourists, we set off towards the north, and a peak we could see in the distance. ...

It was on the same ridge line as the other two we had done in the area, and made an obvious target.

We followed the track as it pushed away from civilisation, and the tracks got less used, and the trails older.

As we got closer to the peak the snow also got sparser, and we had to start finding the linking sections, so we could keep the skis on.

The last section up to the top, suddenly opened out and there was more wind blown snow in drifts.

The final section offered even more snow, and you could even believe it was higher up.

The top was very wind blown and we were back to linking snow patches, but the weather was gorgeous.

We paused to take in the view and have some food and drink, sitting in the warm sun.

Then we set off back down. from the top we could see a different route back, and a quick check on the map showed it move down past the riffugio plan Gimont.

We dropped down into the valley and picked up the trail down the valley.

Once down on the trail it lead to the riffugio and a frozen lake.

From here we were back on the pistes and looking up to the Mont Chaberton.
A really good day