The sun was coming up, and it was going to be a great day. We had looked at Mont Chaberton, but believed it to be a little too far for us. However opposite the ridge had some tops we would be capable for.

We worked our way up the piste (it had been kept white with artificial snow), which was still there even thought the lifts were now closed.

As we came into the bowl at the top of the path (where the chair lift ended and opened out with drag lifts).
We could see a vague line of snow we could go up to the ridge, but it was very thin.

The snow got really patchy in places, but we managed to get up to the ridge and then worked our way up it to the main lift station on the ridge.

From here we kept going up the ridge to the Tete de Fourneous. this was a little rounded top.

From the top we could look down to the valley behind, as well as along the ridge.
Bryon took the opportunity to work along the ridge on his own to the Grand Chalvet, whilst Chris and I waited, ad took photos.

Once Bryon was back from his excursion, we dropped back to the station on the ridge, before dropping down the piste line .. We were really in luck, the snow that had fallen over the past couple of days had blown in to here and there was some good powder for us to play on.

After the excitement of this "first tracks" experience, it was more mundane on the narrow white track back to the valley.
As we got lower the snow go more and more rotten and heavy. It was not going to last much longer.