By midday I had cabin fever and needed to get out ... so donning only my town gear I set off for a walk .. I would regret this later.
I walked up to the town and along the road towards Sardieres. As the road crested the other side of the valley there was a car park for the ski de fond, and although empty there was a lot of snowshoe tracks going up the hill... towards the monolithe.
I headed up the track, at the bend in the track where it went over a river, the tracks went up, as I could not see the track any more I followed the footprints. At the shack marked as Jomier, I had struggled enough and decided to drop back down, following the track.
the snow was light and fluffy and I wished I had brought my skis.
At the road I went back via the lower road through the new buildings and back to the apartment .. Lots of exercise, and fresh air ... the clouds were still down, but I felt like I had done something.