A really great day was forecast, so after getting a once up to the top ticket, we were queueing for the "premiere benn" and at Lognan we rushed and got into the queue for the top lift. We just managed to squeeze into the first top lift.
At the top we fought our way down the steps to the col along with everyone else who seemed to be heading the same way as us.
Looking over to the other side we could see the route, as it had been the day before. The route comes in from the bottom right across the rock band
As predicted the descent was very hard and rutted, and we picked as smooth a way as we could through the tracks. Down past the gross rognon and onto the glacier.
The route comes diagonally left, if you look closely you will see a large group descending above the rocks. From here we went straight over the glacier to the right hand side of the base of the valley.
Then skis on the back to go over the rock band... this bit changes every time we have been here and this was the barest I have seen it
Skis now restored to their optimal position, we joined the queue, ascending the steep lower section. We were not in a great hurry as we would not be the fastest.
This first section was a struggle as we zigzaged up the hard icy sections, and we were really grateful to reach the top of it where the slope eases off.
From now on the next section is gentler, however all the way we can see the col up on the skyline.
As we got closer we could see the fastest groups already on the col, and hanging around looking at the descent.

Not as much snow as last time we were here, the final few meters are a scramble.
It was a great relief to reach the col... We were only part of the way, but this was the first major climb over.
We sat down and had a drink and some food.
Then reviewed what the next steps would be, the slope down the other side was completely different to the last time. The descent was very rutted from the parties abseiling down. We only had a short rope between the two of us, and this would not serve for a long abseil like this, but we could use it to help us down climb.

The descent was not technically difficult, but we had to avoid the people going both up and down.
The snow was soft underneath the firm surface, so felt very secure, however moving over the ruts where reachign down each side was a long stretch.
after the top section, it got narrower, but easier, and just the bergschrund to go.
Looking back after going around the ridge and at the bottom of the climb to the next col - La fenetre de Salina.
That's it .... a relatively simple approach, but a sting in the tail.
The sting.... however head down and one foot in front of the other, and dream of the other side. I could remember that it was quite flat on the other side, from the time we did the three cols route.
It was a big relief to reach the col, however the sight over the other side was a little concerning....
Contrary to my memory the hut was on a promontory about 50m above the glacier, and a distance.
This final section would drag the last effort out of us.
Exhausted I just sat on the balcony for several minutes the views were spectacular, and even more so now that we were where we needed to be.
Bryon, just sat in the sun, I was really envious.
The panorama was breathtaking.
At the top we fought our way down the steps to the col along with everyone else who seemed to be heading the same way as us.

As we got closer we could see the fastest groups already on the col, and hanging around looking at the descent.

It was a great relief to reach the col... We were only part of the way, but this was the first major climb over.

Then reviewed what the next steps would be, the slope down the other side was completely different to the last time. The descent was very rutted from the parties abseiling down. We only had a short rope between the two of us, and this would not serve for a long abseil like this, but we could use it to help us down climb.

The snow was soft underneath the firm surface, so felt very secure, however moving over the ruts where reachign down each side was a long stretch.

This final section would drag the last effort out of us.

The panorama was breathtaking.