The morning was clear, and very cold. The parties on the Haute route we all running around getting ready to set off.
We let the pathfinders get away and then set off. The first bit out of the hut across the col is always a "wake up call", this gets the heart pounding as you do not want to mess up in front of everyone.

Once across you get amazing views of the hut .. the classic shot, and after this we slowed dropped down to the first drop to the glacier.

The powder slowed things up, but once the slope steepened up things went a bit easier and we had a great descent in the fresh powder.

Now we had everything working again, it was time for the skins to go on and set off for the col, following the pathfinder tracks.

The col is just over Bryon's, shoulder, but this is just a false summit (one of many).

We plodded on in the tracks heading up to the col.

We were grateful for the trail blazing of the earlier party, the powder was several inches deep

Approaching the col... unfortunately it has a very rounded top so you never seem to get any nearer.

looking over the other side ...... I said the top was flatish. Last year we never saw an of this as it was all covered in cloud.

The powder on the other side was fantastic, and we had some really great.

Then even more ...

So much big smiles.
After the great descent of tow fantastic bowls we dropped to the glacier and moved of the tracks of the pathfinders. Moving carefully across the new snow on the glacier. Almost walking pace as it is quite flat.

Now we were on our own, and heading down the glacier.

As we came to the end of the upper glacier the slope vanished altogether . walking was called for again

I was not kidding! - we are aiming for the col to the left - follow the stream

OK ... so the route finding over the end was a bit wayward .... we found the summer path, but this was not exactly smooth skiing
On the glacier at last .. shooting around through the avalanche debris as quick as possible

The powder is getting a little heavier now, but still great fun
stay left and follow to the glacier snout!the end of the route is where the thin ribbon comes in from the left to meet the river! so a bit of a walk out

The walking begins ... and so down to the van ... then back to the hotel Aiguille de la Tza for food and shelter ... A great day out and we were in the right place at the right time.