second morning of our trip and we decided to return to Le Tour and skin up to the mid station then head off to the right and see where we got to.
We left the car in the car park and headed up the valley run.

Once we reached the mid station, we cut right above it and headed into up tot he ridge line. In all the visits to this area I have never been over this far, so it was all new.

We soon arrived at the ridge line
and followed this around to the right.

As the edge curves around we then headed off straight up to the grassy top that was our target.

Cutting straight over following the tracks of the people who had been there before us.

The slope got steeper and ended up at some steep grassy slopes, where we abandoned our skis and carried on, on foot, up the slope which was very similar to one we had climbed in a Welsh summer.

At the top we sat and enjoyed the view, to the swiss barrage and hydro electric scheme to the east and the Dru and Verte to the west.
From the top we looked back down onto the valley, through the mid station.

Back on the skis, we had to get the feel of the soft snow, before charging off down the way we had come

Yesterdays practice all comes back to us, quickly.
We charged back down the piste once we reached it and were soon resting at the car.
Then back to the campsite and dinner.