We woke up late ... the night was better, we managed some food last evening, and it stayed down, although we were still rough .. maybe it was the thought of the "dry" toilet ... the Ammonia was in evidence all over the ground floor of the hut, even the piles of cedar wood chips did not hide it.

We could have gone for Abne Flue again to-day, but the energy levels were still low. It was probably just as well as it turned out, and we got up late and had a leisurely breakfast waiting for the sun to get down to the valley.
Itching to get going we probably got the balance between icy top section and slushy bottom one slightly wrong.

The top section was a real rattly bone shaker or a run over the tracks left by previous visitors, who had gone down later in the days.

Still no sign of the sun down here. I was also very glad not to be walking up like a couple of parties we past.
Now about half way down, we were still fighting the tram lines.
Things improved as we dropped to the bottom of the glacier and into the meadows, the snow became much easier.
Then we were down on the flat run out down the bottom of the valley.
There was a portion of poleing then a short "interesting" piece of entertainment as the track narrowed.
We then dropped down to Fafleralp, and crossed the final bridge, and into the car park.
The car park had only just been ploughed, in a small section, and the buses were not yet running. We would have to come back to enjoy that pleasure.
Unfortunately the snow was too patchy on the valley run and we ended up walking down the road.
An so after a bus trip from Blatten to the train station then 3 trains we were back at the mountain hostel. Time for a shower and a general tidy up.

We could have gone for Abne Flue again to-day, but the energy levels were still low. It was probably just as well as it turned out, and we got up late and had a leisurely breakfast waiting for the sun to get down to the valley.
Still no sign of the sun down here. I was also very glad not to be walking up like a couple of parties we past.
Now about half way down, we were still fighting the tram lines.