We woke up to clouds all around, and very little visibility. We had planned to drop down the glacier East of the hut, and work our way up to Trugberg South summit, then down to the Konkordia platz and so to the Konkordia hut.
After hanging around the hut for a couple of hours, we decided to move down to the Konkordia hut, down the Aletch glacier.
We knew the way back to the Jungfraujoch would be simple to follow the track, and from there we would drop down to the glacier in a similar way as yesterday, before continuing down the glacier.
As we got lower we dropped below the cloud and could see more of what we were doing and where we needed to go.
As we dropped onto the straight tram line runs to the Konkordia platz the sun came out between clouds and we realised that the weather was turning.
We could see where we would have descended from the Trugberg ... saved for another year.
To the West we could see the way up to the Hollandia hut, up on the col on the skyline.
In the other direction we could see the Konkorida hut .. and more importantly the ladders used to climb up there. This was always going to be a effort.
With the sun now out and the fact that we were a bit early to be giving up on the day. We decided to go and have a look over the grunhornlucke at the finstraarhorn. So the skins went on, and we got ready for a climb.
We were glad we had made a move, as the weather was still rough up at the Sphinx.

Bryon did a a quick check of the map ... he thought I didnt know that he was calculating whether we can also nip round the corner.... But I have already worked out that it would be pushing it!
As we climbed up the slope heading up to the Grunhornglucke, we could not initially see the col, but shortly we came over a rise and could see it in the distance.
Head down and slowly, slowly we got higher up the valley, until we were on the final slopes... not too steep, but a final flourish.
Over the col we could see the Finsteraarhorn in all its glory, bringing back memories of our trip many years before.
At the col we could also see the short route to the peak... the long way is down and round the side ... making another 300m of ascent + the bit back to this col .. a step too far.

Setting off back down to the hut .. it was a little hard/ icy, but the surface soon loosened off ....
Back in spring powder... fantastic skiing. This was a real bonus and justified the decision to push on up to the col.
Other parties were beginning to gather at the bottom of the ladders, as we cruised the last slopes down to the ski lager.
The calm before the storm and a little rest before the last push, a chance to pack away the unwanted gear and stow under the rocks.
At the end of the ladders there is a tricky section on the rock ... half covered in snow, and very slippy, before the hut appears - welcoming before us.

Bryon did a a quick check of the map ... he thought I didnt know that he was calculating whether we can also nip round the corner.... But I have already worked out that it would be pushing it!
Setting off back down to the hut .. it was a little hard/ icy, but the surface soon loosened off ....
Then the ladders.... flight after flight... I tried counting them. Then once I had lost count it was one flight at a time, followed by a rest before the next.
We were so pleased at the day we had a rosti with egg to share ... maybe this was the cause of disaster tomorrow, or maybe it was something we had drunk!