So the first 1000m climb of this trip .. a long way and 2 cols and a peak to take in.

We were up with the others doing the same thing as us, and were among the first out of the hut, with the sun just peaking over the tops and shining on the Trient peaks.
We initially followed the piste back up the way ewe had descended yesterday to the point where it turned up to the col des Gentianes.

From here we would work up the valley base, and then zigzag to the top. Still in shadow, it helped to keep us cool on the 500m climb. The snow was very icy and we debated the ski crampons.

At the top we got our first real look at the principle summit of Rosablanche - the high one to the right, and also how far away it was from here.

Now the sun was blaseing away, and we took the skins off, and dropped down the other side, the surface was still very hard and icy, and we had to avoid the large chunks of debris.

Before long we were contouring around the bottom, working around to the base of the next climb. a gentle descent from here, working around the ribs.

Here we can see the route up the other side... follows the contours around to right then left.

Second step done, now to rehydrate ready for the next step - climb up the glacier on the north side of Rosablanche.

Nearing the second col - col de Moming, the snow was getting a little wet and slippy in the sun .. similar to this morning but the other end of the scale.

Looking back to the top of Mont Fort .. the glacier was much flatter than the previous section and we look around to the next section.
... traversing around to the Prafleuri glacier and up the snow slope to the top.
The final section started with a slow increase in steepness before we were zigzaging the steep summit cone.
Then the top .... You do not realise the sculpture up close.. only from down the slope.
Time to take some panoramas.

Now we just had to ski down the glacier to the hut .... OK, but the snow was getting heavier, and the packs were digging in and , and, and...

We were initially confused by all the tracks, until we worked out that this is a prime heliskiing drop zone ... most were made by the lazy skiers. We had to try and avoid the badly cut areas , and keep tot he fresher areas.

... the hut is down there some where hiding behind the moraine
Col des Roux to the right is for tomorrow.
The final slope down to the hut, where we collapsed thankfully on the veranda .. a long way, but a fantastic summit.
Where we had come form |