So the clouds were still around, and there was a general level of precipitation going on... rain at Morillion. As this was to be our last day, we were all keen to get out.

I hoped that higher up the rain would become snow and we would enjoy some fresh powder. We set off for the lift getting wetter than I wanted to.

However once on the chair and gaining altitude the rain turned to large snow flakes and was not so bad.

Once on the ridge even the falling snow cleared up and we joined the other expectant parties.

We started to play on the slopes back down towards Morillion, and the sun began to break through.

As we played over the morning, the slope to more and more churned, but still light fresh snow everywhere.

After lunch KT, Steph and I headed up to the high point on this side with the aim to drop down the steep off-piste all the way direct down to Les Molliets.

The top section was quite cut up, but there was plenty of fresh sections, where we could express ourselves.

From the bottom of the pistes at Les Mollets, we then took the chairs back up to the ridge and down to the apartment.
The day had turned out really well and proved we were right to take a chance, and go for the possibilities.
Tomorrow we would go back to the UK, leaving a day early to avoid the panics on the roads on Saturday with a big change over as the UK went back and France came away.