An easy day ... just up to the Monchjoch hutte, similar to what we had done two years previously.
First we had to park the Van in the multi storey car-park - this was much more geared to the longer visit than Grindlewald, and certainly catered for climbers.

We then took the train up to Kleiner scheidigg, and followed the same route as we had a few day before.
Once out at the top we quickly loaded up and headed off to the Monchjoch, following the wide trail.
Looking down we could see where we had descended a few days before, as it disappeared down into the distance.
Looking back to the Jungfraujoch, it was had to see the entrance to the station except by following the trail.
Up ahead the hut clung to the rock just above the joch.
The walk was just what we had needed to shake out the cobwebs, and we were soon sat in the sun outside the front door of the hut.
Inside they even remembered us from the last visit, and we were warmly welcomed .
First we had to park the Van in the multi storey car-park - this was much more geared to the longer visit than Grindlewald, and certainly catered for climbers.

We then took the train up to Kleiner scheidigg, and followed the same route as we had a few day before.

Inside they even remembered us from the last visit, and we were warmly welcomed .