The forecast for the next few days was for good clear days, however it was to start off overcast.. We would use the overcast day to get into position and then use the good days for the traverse.

Loading the packs up and strapping the skis to our backs we worked our way up the footpath on the left of the valley.

After a while we could cross over to the road on the other side, and put the skis on.

The track gradually climbed up to a village only accessible in the summer, and then got really flat as it followed the river. Luckily the snow was packed on the road as it was very sparse all around.

As the valley bent around to the right there was a green slope heading into the clouds with a thin ribbon of snow leading up, before it ran out.

At this point M-J was having terrible trouble with her boots, and causing blisters. She and Chris turned around at this point and headed back.

Bryon and I continued on up the thin ribbon, this was the first real piece of ascent and we rapidly gained height.

Just below the cloud layer we ran out of snow, and had to head into the cloud blindly hoping it was in the right direction.

In the cloud we followed some tracks in the hope they were going in the right direction. The track cut up beside a stream, as we headed higher.

Above the next step we came out of the cloud into a brilliant blue sky and perfect weather.

There was another step to make before we reached the level of the hut and could finally relax that the very long approach was over.

We had started off at around 10 am and it was now pushing 4 pm ... a very long day for us at the beginning of a trip when we were not really very fit.
The warden of the Caro hut was very pleasant and welcomed us, and understood that we were slightly depleted. He also said it was a common occurrence with the long walk in.