The storm had passed and the sun was threatening to come through the cloud. There was a strong wind, but the outlook was good.
As we only had one chain, it made sense to drop down following yesterday's route.
Yesterday we had the only tracks here, but already several people had been down with the same idea as us.
Catching the cable car to the top, we initially dropped down the Megeve side, but soon found this to be very wind blown and icy, so it took little persuasion to drop over the other side and check out some off piste I had been eyeing up on the lift up.
We dropped down on the St Gervais side in a fantastic bowl with great "train track" run out .. there was plenty of fresh powder left and the run out made navigating easier.
We enjoyed ourselves so much we quickly took the lift back up to near the top and traversed in from the side.
We were the first to drop in form this side and we had choice of routes in the powder. There was some danger under the powder here where the base was a little broken up, but still good fun.
Down at the bottom of the slope we followed the same train track back out.
This had tired us out and it was time to search for some food (chips), so we made our way tot he top station and the "buvette" by way of another excursion to check out the Megeve side and see if it had got any better... it had not.
After lunch we wanted to stay on the sheltered St Gervais side, so headed down a slope of well used Off piste which still had soft powder on it.
There was one section of this side we had not visited and this seemed like an ideal opportunity to take a look, so we caught the Poma lift from the intermediate station, through the woods, and emerged above a clearing.
this opened out into a large pasture and lots of powder, although the slope was a little shallow for tight turns we had a period of fast long schusses.
On the way back to the intermediate station we took several excursions into the trees on some well used trails ... causing much mirth and merriment.
Popping out of the woods at the intermediate station we realised that the day was passing and temperature was dropping, so time to go home.
We dropped down the descent route, and whilst M-J and the girls went back to the chalet, Chris and I dropped down to the town and picked up supplies for the evening meal.
Followed by the same skin back up ... this time slightly slower as we were by now quite tired .... A great day.
Trip Track
As we only had one chain, it made sense to drop down following yesterday's route.
Followed by the same skin back up ... this time slightly slower as we were by now quite tired .... A great day.
Trip Track