22 March 2016

Sils and Muott Ota, Switzerland

Better night with the abrasive sheets ...  sleeping in the duvet, and time to move on again ...  nothing booked, just see how we go today.
Heading up towards Maloja..  the first intention was to do the "fish shop" route, but something persuaded me to head towards Sils.
Parking in the underground car park - after exploring all other places and finding them blocked.

First a walk up the track behind the hotel on the hill, the taking to the ski de fond tracks ...  and a very round about way to move up the valley.
By now frustrated with progress, we could see where we had to go but no direct routes. Eventually we got up to the first col at the end of what is a long linear ridge.
Then it was up the snowshoe tracks ...  but this was easier than making our own, especially as it got steep in parts.
All the time getting higher, but still in the trees. We had to break out before we would be able to see where to go.
As we broke out of the trees the first top looked above us..  The map showed this to be the first bump on the ridge with a number behind
The ridge had more false summits than anything I have been on in a long time. I lost count after 4 .. even then when we stopped rising there was another .. but needed some down hill skinning.
This last 50m of height gain would come back to haunt me later
The spot height beyond the named summit .. the guide book has this in it as the point to turn, the map shows the one before.
The benefit of the spot height ... powder down the side.
A good start to the descent.
In general the descent was OK ... picking the right places to descend and when to traverse dictated the ease
The descent finished at a Lama farm, opposite a restaurant. Most people caught a horse drawn carriage ride up here had lunch and went back. .... we tried the ski de fond track, but there was not enough down slope to make the difference and we ended up walking.
and walking
and walking.
Finally a respite as we hit a Rodelbahn track ...  this we could ski, and it took us down to the lake.
before more walking to get back to the van.

And lots of drink.

Now a spot of surfing  ... internet variety to find somewhere to stay .,. this valley was too expensive and we looked at going over the pass to Bivio ..  a nice hotel had some spaces there ...but first we checked out the ospis on the pass .. this had some bunkhouse space, but was quite expensive.
So we booked into the Hotel Guidon The room was clean - the sheets soft, and they had a bath ...  after today just what I needed.

However the best bit by far was dinner .. soup, pizza, salad, steak and potato, then alcoholic torte ... just the perfect feed for a weary body. Watching the sun set and the full moon rise out of the restaurant window.