21 April 1981

Sgurr Nan Gillian, University Easter Trip

Sgurr nan Gillian, Am Bastier, and Bruach na Frithe
Sgurr Beag
Tourist Route
We had a good day in prospect, but not expected to last, so no attempt on the whole ridge we settled on just the northern peaks.

We set off from the Sligachan car park, across the peat and heather, o a well defined path heading to the peaks ahead.

The path eventually zigzags up to the ridge, and some scrambling to the summit.
Am Bastier and Bruch na Frtihe
Bastier tooth
Continuing along the ridge west we conquered the Gendarme and after passing around the tooth climbed up the Ordinary route.

Then on to Am Bastier itself.
Bruch na Frithe
Sgurr nan Gillian
Am Bastier and Sgurr nan Gillian
From here along to Bruch na Frithe.. down to the col and scramble up the other side.

From the top we dropped back down to the col, and followed the path back down the screes and across the heather to the Sligachan.

We then moved into the BMC hut at Glen Brittle.