Back to Whistler Mountain to-day ... this would be our last day out on the mountains, so we were going to make the most of the weather.

The girls in their usual places, we headed to the top of the mountain again and started on the long route around the back ... apart for the occasional excursion to find some powder. We stuck mainly to the trails

Apart from where we got into the shadow of the tress we were mainly in the sun.

Next Dave and I had been salivating over the runs down the front of Whistler mountain, straight down from the top ... so whilst Sue and Jane went down on the wide trails we took the direct route

In some of the steep bowls we had a good chance to give our legs a serious workout.

Then there was the long run out at the end to get back to civilization and the main trails.. but this also gave us a good view of the whole descent.
After exhausting ourselves we all met up back at the lodge...
one item to notice when picking Katie up from ski school... the temperature in the village after the sun went below the horizon ... -10 deg as was seen on the sensor in the information board