06 September 2020

Canal and rail circuit, Cranleigh

Sunday was supposed to be a band practice day and also 1st of month church, so we settled for a shorter afternoon walk - Up near Cranleigh is a circuit taking in the canal and the old railway line.

the path took the old railway from the car park and left towards the swimming pool, before heading down the Knowle lane.

Then it cut back across the fields ..  more like a recreation ground under Knowle park house.

After all the new housing developments it turned down Alfold road up to the driveway for Uttworth Manor, and hence to the canal.
The canal was dried up as this was the only section that the tow path was open to the public around here ...  going north it looked like you could follow it, but going south was into a garden once we reached farm where the path turned east onto the path to Great Garson.
After this rambling "big" house under repair, ti was back to Alfold road and down to the Lion's lane ...  and old road and byway.

We followed this back across to Knowle lane
Straight across and into some fields behind the cottages, which worked their way across to the Downs link railway line.
the railway line where we came back to civilisation with a large number of people exercising - walking, cycling, and associated methods.
From here it was head down and push to get back to the van - a fairly straight route, with just some negotiation around the swimming pool area.

There was a vintage car rally going on in the town centre, causing a bit of a traffic jam, however we were soon through it and back home.