Deep in the second lock down of Covid-19 ... encouraged to stay local we chose not to use the van to get to a walk, but use the local tracks... with the exception of going a little further than usual.
The idea was to head out to Plaistow for the usual Saturday bread run, then cut over to the Sussex border path, crossing the canal and through Alfold Bars, before cutting down to the canal again at Loxwood and back home.Bertie, of course, was happy to head in the direction of the Croissant shop, and although we were too late for bread loaves there was still his favourites, and a little treat for lunch.
Next up the track to Plaistow place.
Plaistow place ... a very interesting looking house, before cutting across the fields to the north, and into Hog Wood.
Plaistow place ... a very interesting looking house, before cutting across the fields to the north, and into Hog Wood.
Gradually things got muddier.
Dropping down hill the path got narrow and very slippy, until it rose up the other side of the valley and met up with the Sussex border path, which was worse for wear with the number of people that had recently used itAt Lee House farm the border path mutates into The Lane ... A glorified drive but as a prepared surface has survived the mud, and makes for easier walking.
At the "designer" house, we follow. again. the bnorder path as it cuts up tot he canal ... this is an old favourite track, though usually in the opposite direction.
The canal looking peaceful, apart from some people cutting firewood.I did like the lichen growing on the old footpath sign, as we followed the track that was prepared for the restoration of the lock, past Okehurst farm and up the road to the "Titch".
Crossing the road and continuing on the other side ... this is the back road to village houses and a number of farms.Stopping at some convenient logs in a sun break for lunch. Bertie poised for any scraps.
At the end of the drive, the path continues into the woods, and quickly degenerates into a mud quagmire. We frequently took to the banks on either side to escape the sucking oose.This is the wood that is currently under protest against being used for clay extraction.
We started on the north side of the woods before cutting down a forestry track south to come out at the farm and workshops on the back road from Loxwood to Buck's Green.
We started on the north side of the woods before cutting down a forestry track south to come out at the farm and workshops on the back road from Loxwood to Buck's Green.
there were a number of these traps attached to the brush in the woods - presumably to check for endangered species for the clay extraction.
Across the road, the path continued down to the canal through some fields of winter fodder, eventually coming out at Brewhurst lock.
The lock was bathed in the afternoon sunlight, and we were not alone in taking pictures.From here, we followed the well worn track back home, taking the road, to avoid the "crowds" on the tow path, then across the fields to headsfoldwood farm and the road to Ifold.
The longest walk of the Covid era as we boke 15kms!