29 December 2021

Old Winchester Hill Circuit, South Downs

 I was 15.6 kms short of 900 for the calendar year, and we were off to see Steph for the New Year, so I had planned a walk on the way - Another piece of the South Downs Jigsaw. The weather forecast was not good and it was raining when we woke up. Time for a rethink ...  so cutting the walk down a bit and following a well worn trail hopefully would avoid the mudfest like I had endured two days before.

Parking in the layby just outside Exton once more, only heading in the opposite direction to last time.

Crossing over the A road, and down the track on the other side. Immediately it proved to be flooded, with little distinction between the path and the ditch/ stream beside it.
Crossing the flooded river Meon, and continuing up the increasingly muddy and wet track heading for the meon valley trail (an old railway line)
The Meon valley trail was up up some steps, then we descended the other side to begin the climb up to the hill, on a thankfully dryer track.
The hilltop in the mist ahead, and looking back to the mist in the valley below, where we had come from.
Still climbing through the fields, a little slippery on the chalk tracks.
Climbing up through the woods below the hill fort, a spooky yew groves and elms (dutch elm disease impacted). Then escaping onto the summit plateau, climbing the outer ramparts.
The trig point atmospheric in the mist
All Round mist,

Across the other side of the hill fort and then back around the outside of the southern ramparts, however there was time to be distracted enough to fall over in the mud and get my trousers covered to such an extent I would need to protect the seat back at the van!
The return journey was a series of zigzags through the fields to the valley below on the south side. The first descent was steep and slippy, followed by a traverse alongside a pasture field.
Another less steep descent down the side of a turnip field, before a long trapse down a wet and muddy chalk track.
This chalk track - Mill End Lane continued until if met the side road - Stocks lane - at a converted farmhouse and barns. We then followed this single track road back towards the village of Exton.
One tricky section was recrossing the Meon Valley trail where the old rail bridge had a huge lake under it, some of which we later discovered (the signs were only on the far side) by going up and over.
Crossing the A road once more on the outskirts of Exton we could see beacon hill beyond.
Approaching the river Meon in the village of Exton. I am certain I would not like to live this close to the river, private island or not.
Past the pub, which seemed to have plenty of customers, and up the lane back to the van.
Refreshments before continuing onto Steph. Not quite the distance to make the 900 so I will have to find a short route in Wales.