The next BOC retirees walk was scheduled to do a circuit around Headley and onto Epsom downs. I was in the van so had worked out I could park it on Headley Heath in an NT car park, and walk down to the meet.
Overnight we had lots of rain, which was still falling as I awoke and set off, which had resulted in lots of flooding on the roads around home. Some of these floods were over the roads and causing a large disturbance to the the morning rush hour. I arrived at the car park after some delay, got my ticket and worked out that I could do a quick circuit of the heath before meeting the others.
the car park was shrouded in mist when I arrived and I set out on the path heading south - slightly off the route I had planned, but int he right general direction. It reminded me right at the start that the paths in these public areas often change radically from the those mapped.The more open heathland with green swathes changed into wood land as I reached the southern end of the the heath.
From here I turned west and followed a path inside the boundary
At the west boundary I turned along a similar path heading north. This path dropped down to a small valley - initially gently but gettign steeper as it reached the bottom of the valley. At the bottom I turned NE and climbed up the far side of the valley.
Once out of the valley the landscape returned to the heathland. I followed this bridlepath to the edge of the heath and crossed the B2033 and down the back road to the village of Headley. There was a separated footpath over a hedge from the road, that I followed to the pub car park we were meeting in.
We were 17 as we set of from the pub car park and through the church yard to a path behind the houses. This path turned aroudn Headley park and went under the M25 into fields beyond.
Over a back road and into Langley vale centenary wood. Here the woodland trust had planted thousands of trees (to represent every death in WW1). There are numerous trails through this new woodland.

We wandered through the Jutland wood - memorial to the sailors and ships lost at Jutland. then across to the regiment wood, where there were structures and more trees.
Leaving the woods we climbed up the Epsom downs - more specifically Walton Down. The path climbed up beside several horse training areas.
Reaching the actual race course diagonally opposite the grandstand. After crossing the race course and across towards Tattenham Corner underground station. From here down a bridleway keeping on the green side of Tadworth. Around a stud farm and heading back towards the M25 dropping down a long valley.
Under the M25 and climbing up the far side to regain the pub. this followed a bridleway through Costal wood, and then across the back of Headley village to regain the church, hence the pub.
Lunch in the pub then everyone parted on their individual way, except I had to get back to he van in its separate car park.
I crossed the back road from the pub and dropped down beside horse paddocks. This merged onto a back road that circled around towards the heath.
Across the B2033 to an unmarked car park, where I climbed steeply up onto the heath, although it was more woody before emerging at the back of the car park, with the van waiting.