I have been persuaded to lead another AAC day walk. Given the state of the paths around here I opted for one around the MOD training grounds at Aldershot. These walks are further complicated by the necessity to be arranged around a train station, so there is some "manipulation required to get out of the residential areas close to any station.
I came up with one that leaves the station and connects the urban parks - Manor and Brickfields before going through Rowhill Copse - a small nature reserve (and also the source of the river Blackwater). Across the roads and into the southern part of Long valley area, working over to Caesars camp iron age hillfort. the across to the woods around the reservoirs. Traversing using the favelas to the other side of Beacon hill. Then working across the hills to the outskirts of Church Crookham and around to the pub (Foresters). As the Driver Training area was open to the public I came back across that - working first to the end of Farnborough runway, then turning parallel to the A323. Once I found a gate crossing over to reach the canal. back to the Wellington statue via the Wellesley woods. The final section follows the roads back to the station.
The weather was very grey with light showers, and an overall chill in the air. I arrived at the statue car park (this is free and there is no barrier), and set off towards the station (as if I was following the route just starting before the starting point.Over the A325 then through the residential streets behind Tesco's. Then along the A323
Turning towards the town centre and a couple of zigzags to approach the station. On the real walk I will probably pay the charge and park here - there is lots of space at the weekend.
Over the footbridge and into the residential streets on the far side. Zigzagging adn down the side of Aldershot Manor park - staying on the tarmac to avoid the mud.
Over church lane and down the lane leading behind houses to Brickfields park. Then through the park down to Boxalls Lane.
Along the lane under the railway line joining B3007 and past a pub. Here I turned into Rowhill Copse on the Blackwater Valley Path
Through the nature reserve, past the source of the Blackwater river.
Coming out at the nature reserve car park - very full at this time. Across teh A325 and into the MoD training area.
Climbing up the surrounding hills to look across to Caesars camp.
Long to Long bottom, down to the lake and up the other side., then up to the outside of Caesars Camp.
The final steep slope up to the plateau. Looking over towards Farnborough airport.
A misty view around the edge of the camp
Looking east towards the reservoirs, and along the edge of the plateau.
through the ramparts and past the pits of Bricksbury Hill.
Along the main track above the woods - a pair of Buzzards overhead. At the first large gate down into the woods.
Off the main track, into the woods on a cycle track, leading down to the favellas.
Traversing across the slope on the side of the favellas (mini canals), going under Beacon Hill.
Working across the gullies to another large track going down the slope. the path I took zigzagged between tracks to reach the camping ground.
Following the power lines through the grassy areas on this side of the road opposite the Tweseldown equestrian centre.
Over Bourley road and through the car park following the large swath around the edge of the equestrian centre.
Staying on the large fire break (now following the Esso pipeline). Then finding the narrow path through the woods up to the Foresters pub.
The track climbed up to the road directly opposite the pub. I turned around and returned down the track to the fire break.
Over the firebreak and along another narrow path, through the gorse bushes and onto the tracks heading towards the Driver training area.
Through the gate and onto a wider (and more churned up) track to the major junction of tracks in the NE corner. There were a pair of red kites wheeling above.
Around the corner, and across the end of the runway. following more tracks.
I had hoped to leave the area at Eelmoor bridge, however there was no gate, just a hole in the fence. So backtracking and continuing parallel to the A323 road.
Around the MoD buildings , and down a tracked track to what I think was the main gate - locked and no side entry. I did a loop on a footpath in the woods that just took me back to the gate, before retreating further internally.
A side track took me down to the edge of Rushmoor Arena, and a path through the Beech woods heading along the edge of the arena.
Hurrah there was a gate opposite Claycart Hill and I could escape and cross over the A323 into the woods beside the canal. Along the tracks following the Wellesley trails.
Into the Wellesley woods recrossing the A323 and a back road into Rushmoor Bottom.
Following the trails through the woods in a very serpent like manner, trying to cross to the Statue, however there was a lot of fencing.
Finally up to the statue.
And down the other side back to the car park. I think for next week's walk I will stay in the driver training area and avoid the canal section - this can be part of another walk.