With all my nursing chores completed for the day I needed to go and pick up more medication from the surgery. This was an ideal opportunity to make it into a longer walk and extend the usual route coming back via the joust field. Initially I wanted to do this the other way around, however I needed to ensure I made the pharmacy when it was not closed for a break.
Through the village and down beside Loxwoodhills pond to the canal via the adder field. The field was partially flooded, but the path only slightly whereas the canal was in spate, with the lock gates overflowing. From here I cut up the path to the old post office and shop and down Station road.I took the turning into the jubilee gardens - I have often thought to go through here but never managed it. The other side opens to a residential road that leads to the surgery the opposite way we normally go. After collecting the medicines, I followed the twitten back to the canal at the Onslow Arms, and along the canal to the Brewhurst Mill connection.
The mill bypass was also in spate .. surging through the weir under the footbridge. From here I went up the lane until I could take a track into Birch copse, thence through the woods and fields to Drungewick lane - a very familiar track and muddy as expected. Along this lane up to the path opposite the cycle storage place.
Through the sticky mud of a ploughed field and up to the B2133. Over this and down the farm track leading to Hurst grove and on to the farm of the same name. this path grew exceedingly more swampy until I reached the farm. Down the driveway to Skiff Lane turning up to pick up the path again at Belhamland farm. Back throguh the fields into the woods making for Orchard house and a return to the village along the drive and road (to avoid more swamps)