Packing for the first tour of each trip is always a challenge, what to take and what to leave out .. but this time we were going to try and buy food, rather than carry it.
The trip around the lake was a gentle stroll, and then we started up the glacier... quite dry, but with many crevasses, although they were never wide, and easy to step over.

As the day moved on it got hotter and hotter, the pass did not seem to get any closer and Sue was suffering a bit from the heat and altitude. We stretched out along the glacier. As I stayed behind with Sue, the others continued, Christine agreed to book us all in to the hut. I warned her to make sure she ordered dinner, and not Supper as she was used to call it ... Suppe being the local vernacular to soup.
The last step up to the hut was a series of ladders. Just what you needed at the end of the day - but this was small fry compared to the Konkordia hut which we would encounter many years later, during the ski touring days.
The final hurdle of the day, we all got a bowl of Soup for dinner, and nothing else .. Christine had forgotten everything I said to her! We did manage to get a Rosti each to pack it out.