Today we would go tot he other mountain at Whistler .. Blackcombe and have a gentle explore. Katie was in ski school again learning how to Pizza (snowplough), and Steph was with the child minder.
We rode the lifts up to the top ... behind us Whistler mountain was sitting in the sun, but on this side we had to get above the trees before it started to get warm.
The mountain opened up all around, however for the first runs we took it easy and stayed mainly to the wide trails.
The snow making was still going despite the sun to show how cold it was.
After a while we could no longer resist so Dave and I went off for an excursion into one of the back bowls....
Here we found some cut up bit still enjoyable slopes to have fun on.

Back to the top and even further to the back was an area called avalanche bowl .. not an inspiring name, but there was a long off piste run going through there....
There was even some Direct routes into the bowl, but we avoided these.
From the end where the routes met up with the conventional trails we got a good look back up the way we had come.

Time to catch up with the others before making our way down.

Right at the bottom they were preparing a slope for a moguls competition .. the first time I have seen these in action .. still a long way to go before (if ever) my knees will allow me to descend like that!
We rode the lifts up to the top ... behind us Whistler mountain was sitting in the sun, but on this side we had to get above the trees before it started to get warm.

The snow making was still going despite the sun to show how cold it was.

From the end where the routes met up with the conventional trails we got a good look back up the way we had come.

Time to catch up with the others before making our way down.

Right at the bottom they were preparing a slope for a moguls competition .. the first time I have seen these in action .. still a long way to go before (if ever) my knees will allow me to descend like that!