It was misty, but with a promise of brightening up later, so Bertie and I went out for a walk while the others stayed in the warmth. The first idea was to walk up the road on up the other side of the valley and see where it went, however things changed as we went along.
Out of the back of Steph's house and down to the river, before cutting up the first road afterwards to the right.Climbing up the road, and past the big house on the hill and the field centre
A more gradual climb, but still on the road, and straight across at the crossroads
Heading towards the hills on the skyline.
The road changed into a farm track leading to the farm at the end, where it stopped i the yard.
The path continued out the back of the yard and steeply up the bank behind, before opening up above a small gorge.
This track ended at a gate, which proved to be the start of the National Trust open access land.
A slight change to the itinerary now as I just had to go and see what was at
the top of the slope.
Cutting up the side of a sheep field and onto the open moorland, where the
trail disappeared into a multitude of sheep tracks
The path goes somewhere across this
We were heading in the right direction when we arrived at the cairn - probably an old building at one time, now just a pile of stones. The views across to the col and the top of Trembyd.
Traversing around to the col rather than dropping down and climbing up. the drop was more impressive than it appears on the map.
The col itself was very boggy, and we had to navigate through it all going from clump to clump of marsh grass. Then on the other side it was easier on the grass and gorse. As we neared the top we got views over the other side of the river valley
The top was very rounded, but had a cairn. there were views all around
Although the map did not show a main path down from here, there were plenty of sheep tracks going in the right direction and these all coalesced as we reached a corner of the open access area.
Now a much greater track we pressed on down past a field with tups in and a ewe trying to get in. We took the farm track down from a gate here rather than the minor path through the bracken. Looking across to Doldowlod house on the other side of the river.
Dropping down onto the Wye Valley walk (on the slope at this point rather than down by the river. There follows a long section with a slight descent contouring around the side of the hill. At the edge of the open access area the gate opens onto a wider farm track
This track changes into a minor road at the point where the Wye Valley walk gets a little contorted and climbs up away from the river, before taking to the pasture fields
The route wanders through the fields, up and down, through a number of gates, and other several small streams, before ending in a small wood (currently home to several cows) where the path disappears into the mud.
We eventually come out onto the road from earlier this morning. Dropping back down to the river once more, and thence back to Steph's house and lunch.