31 December 2022

2022 Annual Overview

This shows a summary of the longer walks partaken of this year. It does not include the daily dog walks, nor the local repetitive walks (for example the Saturday Bread Run, or the Surgery Visits, etc.)

Now Lock Down was so last year and freedom to roam was back on the agenda, I started going for even longer walks. This included doing sections of the long distance paths around the area - North Downs, South Downs, Serpents way, Downs Link and Greensand way among others. There was no new year trip to the alps, but we did manage a Spring Tour.

 The goal this year is to do 1600 Km or 1000 miles walking .. combination of local walks and short stays - the alpine trips were still off the agenda. I actually came very close to 2000Km - a late increase in the target.