There was a gap in our completion of the Fox Way (circular tour of Guildford) and I chose today to complete it. The aim was to park in the Shackleford Heath car park next to Pepper Harrow, then follow the fox way down to Merrow, then across to the edge of Hurtmore. Turning north passing Compton to cross the A3 on the junction and into Puttenham golf course and up to the Hogs back (A31). Heading in the same direction to Wood Street Village - staying in the common woods before angling across to Whitmoor Common. Pick up the Fox way again from here heading west past Worplesdon and Merrist Wood college, up to Henley Park. Turn south here through Normandy village, Flexford and Wanborough to cross the hogs back once again. Through Puttenham and Shackleford before returning to the start point.
Parked in the car park - only one other vehicle, and dived into the woods, heading across the heath to pick up the fox way. Across the back road and down beside Pepper Harrow.Across the fields beyond heading down to cross the A3 at Lower Eashing beside the petrol station on a foot bridge.
Leaving the Fox Way and going along a track past stables which then mutates into a path along the valley.
Leaving the valley to climb up to the outskirts of Hurtmore, then along a lane that came out on the Godalming road.
Back into the fields on a fenced off path, climbing up to Westbury Barn.
Looking across from the top of this rise before dropping down to the back road and the over pass junction of the A3. A bit of traffic dodging to cross two roundabouts and the main bridge.
From the crossing we missed the path and ended up following a second one onto the Puttenham golf course, and had to circle around avoiding the golfers.
Down onto the North Downs Way to work back to where we should have been .. passing the houses of Monkgrove.
Climbing up to go over the Hogs Back, then leaping across the dual carriageway, and looking down the other side, fields with mowed paths.
Down onto the driveway for Flexford house and following it all the way to Bushy Farm - very residential.
Beyond the farm buildings we moved into Backside Common - just south of Wood street village. Initially very churned up and we were glad it had dried , then after going under the railway line we turned east on substantial tracks - not necessarily marked on the map, but leading to Chapelhouse farm.
From the farm, once again on unmapped tracks we turned north through Broadstreet common and across the back road
Down the driveway for Dunmore farm, and the continuing farm track - we should have followed the edge of the field instead. Across the A323 we followed a back road as it skirted the outskirts of Guildford conurbation up to the A322.
Across the busy road and onto Whitmore Common - staying on the western edge to meet up with the Fox way at the point we had left it last time.
Turning west on Fix way towards Perry Hill coming out at St Mary's church with its huge parking area.
Back across the A322 and down Combe lane which led to Merrist Wood College.
The path goes through the college - well kept and looked after - even had a crocodile wooden sculpture.
Into the fields beyond leading down to the edge of Merrist Wood golf course.
The path followed the side of the golf course, however it was hidden away from the golfers in the woods
Across a back road at park farm and into Henley Park - diverting around the business park.
The Fox way turned sharply South down a path with the remains of the original secure fencing.
Into fields beyond - very much left fallow which would have been swampy in the wet.
Through the edge of Normandy and across the A323 into more fields ... beside the nursery the mapped path had changed and we navigated through the neighbouring field. A refreshment pause looking across to the south. Then continuing down top the railway, crossing it.
On the other side we passed through the edge of Flexford and a set of stepping stones.
The arable fields beyond looked down to the Hogs Back. Very warm in the sun as it followed the hedge line down to Westwood Lane
Through Wanborough and up the overgrown footpath beside the road until we could angle across the slope up to the A31.
Down the other side of the Hogs Back, and through the village of Puttenham. A pause to fix a heal blister and continued through the fields.
Over a slight ridge and down to the back road leading into Shackleford.
A long stretch on the back roads through Shackleford and out down Pepper Harrow Lane. At the boundary of Shackleford Heath we cut across it to the car park.