The final AAC walk of the year - a walk from the house belonging to a couple of members around their home village. We all met outside their house parking on a narrow strip just outside. We gathered in their kitchen for everyone to arrive before setting off down the lane next to the house.
Down the lane past the church and a village hall into the recreation ground. Diagonally across the pitches then through a turnip field down to Well lane.Over the other side of the road and into another field climbing slightly . a zigzag on back roads and into a huge field to bypass the Pencroft Business Centre.
Continuing along the path through some woods to come out below Horsedown Common. Although we did not climb to the trigpoint. Turning south - this was the furthest we would go out in this direction.
Down a green lane, until we could climb out of the dip just before Swanthorpe farm. Looking across the fields back towards the village.
A loop around Travers farm, over more fields and alongside a back road, before crossing to Lee wood.
Another looping track around a field brought us back to the outskirts of the village. we walked back to Well road and along side the fields into the village main street.
Through the village to the second pub (Not sure why we bypassed the first). The Hampshire arms was a quiet congenial place where we had a drink and pie & chips.
After everyone had their fill we left walking back into the village, before taking a path that led onto the remains of a local golf club courses. As this was derelict we walked diagonally across to the club house.
Over the back road beyond to second course of the Oak Park golf club. Here again we picked our way through the left overs of the fairways. Then climbing up to the Warren.
Dropping back down in a circle to pick up the track we started on up the hill so we could continue to Dora's Green.
Just before the hamlet we turned back towards Crondall, passing just above Clare Park hospital. In some very slippy fields.
Back into the edge of the golf courses before entering the village on a back road. Short section on the road and we were back at the house, for Glühwein (or coffee for the drivers).