It was miserable today, with rain or drizzle forecast for all day. However I was due for a Burns night gig meeting in Wisborough Green, and short of driving down there I needed to walk over.
Bertie and I in full waterproofs set of - down the parish border path before cutting over to Skiff lane. Along the lane to the T junction with Kirdford road. We turned towards Wisborough Green before turning off at a farm to cut around the fields and into the village from the west.
The meeting in the Three crowns pub was quick and we were out within 15 mins.
We returned along similar routes - missing the fields by sticking to the Kirdford road until we could divert into the nature reserve then back to the outward route through Barkfold rough.
We left the parish border path to cut over to the drier paths of Wephurst Park,following that route back to Orchard Cottage and hence home.