11 January 2025

Return Journey, Areches

The morning began with a little light rain, and not much overnight snow to add to the dump from yesterday. However the re was low cloud hanging around and the temperature was around 0 degC. We loaded all the kit into the car, first by taking it down all the stairs then to the veranda then into the car to avoid too much getting wet. All packed up into the car and the apartment cleaned all around we set off down the hill to Beaufort where we finally got out of the cloud.
Then the return journey really began as we followed the reverse of our outward journey. Initially the sky was overcast, and good visibility, however as we crossed the plains north of Dijon we encountered low cloud - exemplified by the tops of the wind turbines being hidden. After Reims the fog appeared and we had reduced visibility across the north of France just clearing as we passed the A1. 
We stopped for "dinner" on the A26 towards Calais, however there are no proper food providers on this section, only sandwiches etc. .. Note to self, stop much earlier when t here is proper food available!
Then the final run into Calais - the sun going down and snow on the ground (the rest of the run had been snow free). There were thickets of fog in the low lying areas but it had cleared from the roadway.
We arrived at the channel tunnel well in advance of our scheduled time but were lucky to get a transfer to an earlier crossing then meant we could begin the immigration process immediately. This is more an exercise in queueing than anything else, however we did get through to even get called onto an even earlier crossing - bonus!
We were home for 9pm