Recovered from the journey back from France over the weekend, it was back into the normal routine. Sue was off to Wellcross again today, so I hitched a lift and proposed a return walk taking in a few unused (by me) paths then following a more often used trace from Five Oaks towards home.
Across the A264 from the driveway into Wellcross Grange (dodging the workmen just setting up a series of traffic lights). then down the Lyons road towards Slinfold. Part of the way down the road I turned down a driveway leading to a circular house (architects wet dream!).The path diverted away around the house and across the Downs Link path, and over a sheep field - slightly soggy.
Continuing on the bridle way through several fields to cross the A264 opposite Ranfold. I took the first of two tracks opposite and down a very muddy horse field (over grazed and boggy) to a back road behind Lower Toat Farm.
Continuing around the farm and approaching Elmhurst Farm. There were some curious alpacas in the next field.
Then onto the farm track to Shiprods farm, where the track mutated into a driveway and away from the built up areas.
Across a field and into Bishop's wood. The track here was slightly overgrown and quite muddy - especially where it left the wood and into a grass field.
Along a path between fields until it was blocked by some forestry work. Luckily there was a way around through the neighbouring field (although I did have to try both sides before picking the correct one!). Onwards up the path, once reconnected, to Five Oaks and over the A29. Next on a track on the other side along a stream - very slippy and quite churned up.
At the farm below Ingfield manor I did a zigzag onto the continuation of the path. Crossing the stream and into grass fields following the edge closest to the stream.
Weaving along the edge of the field then into Spar Wood. Another boggy track though the woods.
The path left the wood through an increasingly wet area, and around several large puddles. The final field led to Okehurst road, where I turned north and walked along the road.
Opposite Bignor wood, I turned down a path bordering a crop field down to the river Arun. Here a well know puddle and boggy section led to the canal.
There is only a small section of towpath here and I followed it to the lock. Then along the track leading up to Malham farm.
Back on very familiar territory I just needed to choose the way home. Through the farm and up the driveway to the B2133. Over this by a zigzag, and down the path along Roundstreet common. Staying on this path to Gunshot common and over Skiff lane.
Down Walthurst lane to the parish border path. then along this (dodging the
really boggy bits) to Orchard cottage. Down the driveway (to avoid the muddy
path beside Ormond house) and then back home along Plastow road.