22 February 2025

AAC Walk, MoD Training Area Aldershot

My next walk leading event for the AAC had arrived. I planned a walk around the Long valley training area and into the Driver training section. I had done a recce last weekend and this was the real event. I started the week with 11 people and ended it with 15 - a large group to keep on time.

I arrived early at the Wellington Statue car park - I wanted to make sure the gates were open into the controlled area. I parked up ad walked past the statue and up the track towards the 1st gear driving section of Rushmoor arena. Indeed the gate was open so the first hurdle crossed successfully. Back to the car park and I waited for the first group to arrive - they, like me, wanted to avoid the station car park charges.
We walked along the road into the town followed a trace I had done several times before, with a slight detour to Jim's old house. At the station we dropped into the station café for a coffee waiting for the first train. Most of the group arrived over the next 30 mins (by train, car and also the way I had come)
Over the railway and throguh Manor park, passing the church to cross church lane. Luckily there was an tarmacked track to keep off the wet and muddy grass.
Down the twitten to Brickfields park (keeping to the gravel path to keep off the mud). We picked up the last pair at this car park before following the road aroudn to Rowhill copse. A pause at the source for Blackwater stream, and then on passing the visitor centre and car park.
Over the A325 and finally into the training area - this one is predominately open. Up the steep(ish) bank and onto the main path. There are views over the whole area from here.
Looking over to Caesar's camp - an iron age fort on the obvious top. Then following the road past Long Bottom and up the other side to the top of the escarpment.
Along the escarpment to the view point that looks over the airport at Farnborough. Time  for a coffee break.
Out the other side and along the  gravel track to the edge of the woods above the reservoirs. Here we followed the canals (Lavadas) as they traversed the slopes around Beacon Hill. Then down to the reservoir at Parkhurst Hill, then along the tracks to Greendane copse through the trees. Into the open beside Tweseldown equestrian centre and up to the car park off Bourley road. Next along the swathe to Brock's Hill and the shortcut track to the Foresters pub.
After lunch (and a good bit of chasing to get people moving) we left the pub and back to the swathe. This time down to the edge of the Tweseldown fenced area and along the track to the MoD fenced area. Passing a herd of wild ponies on the way.
Now on the driver training roads, avoiding the large puddles. Around the end of the runways from Farnborough.
We curved around Eelmoor hills before a slight navigation error caused a loop before Eelmoor plain. Then down to Claycart Bottom. From here it was back into the trees to go around Rushmoor arena and out the fenced area by the gate I had checked first thing this morning.
Along the road and up the steps to the statue, before dropping to the car park. Those who had parked here left and the remainder walked off back through the trace I had followed in the morning. I accompanied the train users to make sure they got back to the station Ok. We had a short rain shower along the road followed by a double rainbow. To end the day I returned along the same path back to the statue (three time today on this trace today).
A long day but I think everyone enjoyed the walk.